Addition 201606

Besides my recent upsurge in activity here, I have actually been updating my web-site’s content with at least one photograph a month. Sometimes other work is also added too, but there is at least one new addition per month.

Last night I thought it might be nice to give you a little more information about that one photograph I add. No essays, just a little background information.

This month’s addition is a photograph of Kagiso during a shoot I did with Elizabeth Galloway Academy Of Fashion Design in Stellenbosch. It was a moment during the documentation of a collection of outfits they designed and manufactured for their entry to the International Mohair Competition hosted by Donghua University in Shanghai earlier this year. They didn’t win, but the experience was quite exciting – including two EGAFD lecturers, Fiona and Alana, taking a trip to Shanghai to represent the Academy at the event, where they got some valuable experience and ate some real Chinese food.

Photographed at the Academy’s studio, here’s Kagiso:

You can currently also find it here. And here.


Home Studio / Portraits

Newest Offering!

I have set up a temporary studio at my home in Cape Town. (This is primarily for portraits, but is also available for product shoots.)

The options are more or less as follows (for portraits):

One: A ‘simple’ shoot (eg. one set of clothing/shirt/random object) with the current (light) set-up - R550. [The set-up changes from time to time, and I will keep you updated here or here on my Facebook page.]
Two: Additional sets (shirt change etc) - add R200 for first and R100 per set after that.

The simple shoot (with current / single / ‘as is’ light set-up) is cheap and (relatively) quick and should take 20-30 minutes (although I’d recommend setting aside about 2 hours). Additions will obviously be longer and cost a little more, but gives you a variety of ‘looks’.

Three: Different set-up (lights) - add R300 per set-up to ‘simple’ shoot (One). Any additions are the same as above (Two).

Four: Simple shoot at Location (eg. your house) - R500 plus travel over 20km (total travel from where I am based in Cape Town to location and back) at R3/km. Additions same as above (Two).

Five: Setting up lights etc. at Location - add R300 per set-up (as in Three).

Pricing and studio set-up may change without warning, so contact me for current information.

(terms and conditions apply)

Recent set-up:
